I have finally managed to learn enough through their website and trial-and-error to set this up properly, so I'm documenting what I did and potentially make it easier for someone else.

AuthenTec's website has enough information to figure it out, but it's quite difficult to access at a glance. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any comprehensive instruction on how exactly to go about doing this, and there is little information around the web in general.

The computer shipped with a non-WBF driver and OmniPass, neither of which are the most polished or integrated pieces of software, so I wanted to use first-party software like on my old laptop. My old one received Windows Biometric Foundation (WBF) drivers and a lite version of AuthenTec TrueSuite for enrolment automatically over Windows Update, but it seems like this is not happening with newer fingerprint reader models.

I've been trying to properly set up my AuthenTec fingerprint reader ever since purchasing my new laptop. I'm making this post to keep a record and possibly help others who might come across this from google.